Welcome to Mr. Wadham's Counseling Corner
A school counselor’s work is multifaceted. We guide, teach, encourage, and lead as needed. Sometimes you’ll find us with a student in an individual counseling session, or teaching a classroom lesson about emotional literacy, communication skills, or conflict management.
Our school counselors are here to support every student’s academic, social, and emotional growth. From individual sessions to classroom lessons, we guide students in building essential skills like emotional literacy, communication, and conflict resolution. We work closely with teachers, administrators, and community agencies to address each child’s well-being through a “whole child” approach that nurtures overall wellness.
Using programs like the Zones of Regulation, BOLD, and Timber initiatives, we foster strong connections and a healthy balance across academic, social, and emotional needs. When additional support is needed, we’re ready to connect families with helpful resources—because at Oakwood, No Lumberjack Is Alone.
Check out Harman's student-led news source, The Good News! Here you can find news and information that is sure to make you smile.
Insta: misterwadhamsoffice
YouTube: Mister Wadham's Office
Information discussed with students is confidential, with some possible exceptions required by law. Students are informed on these limits of confidentiality and if there is a need to share information with others. Below are the limits of confidentiality shared with students:
What you say in here stays in here, unless:
1 Someone is hurting you
2 You want to hurt someone.
3 You want to hurt yourself.
4 You ask or give me permission to share.
Harman Student Clubs
Students are encouraged to get involved with clubs and activities that align with their interests and help them build relationships with others outside the classroom. Explore more on our Student Clubs and Activities page.
Counseling Resources
School counselors provide short-term individual counseling for students, but when more intervention is required, we can provide information on resources available in our community.
Military Family Resources
Harman is a proud Purple Star School. We support our students in the military in various ways to make their educational experience at Oakwood positive.
Learn More
Oakwood Counseling Services
- Character Education - Timber
- Classroom Lessons
- Collaborate with Teachers/Staff
- Community Referrals
- Consult with Parents
- Group Counseling
- Individual Counseling
- Individual Lessons
- Mentor Program
- Small Group Counseling
- Tutoring Programs
Character Education - Timber
Classroom Lessons
Collaborate with Teachers/Staff
Community Referrals
Consult with Parents
Group Counseling
Individual Counseling
Individual Lessons
Mentor Program
Small Group Counseling
Tutoring Programs
Emergency Numbers
If you, your student, or a peer is experiencing more extensive or crisis-related concerns (such as severe depression, self-harm, harm to others, or suicidal ideation), please contact one of the following resource.
Crisis Care (937) 224-4646
Crisis Text Line-Text CONNECT to 741741
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK
Drug and Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222
1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
Dayton Children’s Crisis Center for students 17 or younger:
Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - midnight
Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m. - midnight
Visit the ER during other times
Miami Valley Hospital or Kettering Medical Center ER - if 18 or older